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Letter to the Chancellor

February 7, 2021

Office of Sam Tarry MP  Member of Parliament for Ilford South  HOUSE OF COMMONS   London SW1A 0AA  The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP  Chancellor of the Exchequer  HM Treasury  The Correspondence and Enquiry Unit  1 Horse Guards Road  London  SW1A […]


National lockdown: Stay at Home

January 6, 2021

Coronavirus cases are rising rapidly across the country. Find out what you can and cannot do.  Who this guidance is for  This guidance is for people who are fit and well. There is additional advice for people who are clinically […]


Lockdown Grants to Support Businesses

January 6, 2021

Businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors are to receive a one-off grant worth up to £9,000, the Chancellor has announced. Chancellor announces one-off top up grants for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses worth up to £9,000 per property […]



January 4, 2021

Office of Sam Tarry MP  Member of Parliament for Ilford South  HOUSE OF COMMONS   London SW1A 0AA  6th January 2021   By email   Dear Secretary of State for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy,   I am writing to you on behalf of […]


England Lockdown – Stay At Home

January 4, 2021

THE NEW STRAIN OF CORONAVIRUS IS SPREADING FAST.WE ALL NEED TO PLAY OUR PART TO STOP THE SPREAD. LEAVING HOMEYou must not leave, or be outside of your home or garden, except for a very limited set of exemptions e.g. […]


Ilford Town Centre Transformation Project

January 4, 2021

Dear Business Proprietor / Property Owner / Resident,  Ilford Town Centre Transformation Project  I hope this letter finds you and your families well during this difficult time   and I personally would like to wish you all a Happy New Year.   […]


South Neighbourhood Shout Out December 2020

December 27, 2020

In December, local Ward Cllrs and London Borough of Redbridge staff spent an afternoon weeding and clearing, then planting tulips and daffodils in flowerbeds around Cathedral Estate. Some lovely residents stopped to say hello. We can’t wait to see the […]


Tier 4 Rules

December 21, 2020

If you live in a Tier 4 area, you must follow the rules below from  Sunday 20 December. This means that you cannot leave or be  outside of the place you are living unless you have a reasonable  excuse. You […]


Ilford is now in Tier 3: Very High alert

November 30, 2020

This is for areas with a very high or very rapidly rising level of infections, where tighter restrictions are in place. In Tier 3: you must not meet socially indoors or in most outdoor places with anybody you do not […]