Tier 4 Rules - Ilfordbid
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Tier 4 Rules

December 21, 2020

If you live in a Tier 4 area, you must follow the rules below from  Sunday 20 December. This means that you cannot leave or be  outside of the place you are living unless you have a reasonable  excuse. You cannot meet other people indoors, including over the  Christmas period, unless you live with them, or they are part of your  support bubble. Outdoors, you can only meet one person from  another household. These rules will not be relaxed for Christmas for  Tier 4: you cannot form a Christmas Bubble in Tier 4. 

Hands. Face. Space  

Approximately 1 in 3 people who have coronavirus have no symptoms  and could be spreading it without realising it.  

Remember – ‘Hands. Face. Space.’  

• hands – wash your hands regularly and for at least 20  seconds  

• face – wear a face covering in indoor settings where social  distancing may be difficult, and where you will come into  contact with people you do not normally meet  

• space – stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with  where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place  (such as wearing face coverings)  

When meeting people you do not live with, it is important to do so  outdoors where possible. If you meet people you do not live with  indoors, such as someone working in your home, then you should  follow the guidance on meeting others safely including making sure  you let as much fresh air in as you can (for example by opening  windows). Follow the guidance on meeting others safely.  

Stay at home  

If you live in Tier 4 you must not leave or be outside of your home or  garden except where you have a ‘reasonable excuse’. A reasonable  excuse includes:  

Work and volunteering  

You can leave home for work purposes, where your place of work  remains open and where you cannot work from home (including if  your job involves working in other people’s homes). 

Essential activities  

You can leave home to buy things at shops or obtain services from a  business which is permitted to open in your Tier 4 area, but you 

should stay local. For instance you can leave home to buy food or  medicine, or to collect any items – including food or drink – ordered  through click-and-collect or as a takeaway, to obtain or deposit money  (e.g. from a bank or post office), or to access critical public services  (see section below).  

Fulfilling legal obligations  

You may also leave home to fulfil legal obligations, or to carry out  activities related to buying, selling, letting or renting a residential  property, or where it is reasonably necessary for voting in an election  or referendum.  

Education and childcare  

You can leave home for education related to the formal curriculum or  training, registered childcare, under-18 sport and physical activity, and  supervised activities for children that are necessary to allow  parents/carers to work, seek work, or undertake education or training.  Parents can still take their children to school, and people can continue  existing arrangements for contact between parents and children  where they live apart. This includes childcare bubbles.  

Meeting others and care  

1 in 3 people who have coronavirus have no symptoms and will be  spreading it without realising it.  

You can leave home to visit people in your support bubble, or to  provide informal childcare for children aged 13 and under as part of  a childcare bubble, to provide care for vulnerable people, to provide emergency assistance, attend a support group (of up to 15 people), or  for respite care where that care is being provided to a vulnerable  person or a person with a disability, or is a short break in respect of a  looked after child.  

Exercise and recreation  

People can also exercise outdoors or visit some public outdoor  places, such as parks, the countryside accessible to the public, public 

gardens or outdoor sports facilities. You can continue to do unlimited  exercise alone, or in a public outdoor place with your household,  support bubble, or one other person.  

Medical reasons, harm and compassionate visits  

You can leave home for a medical reason, including to get a COVID 19 test, for medical appointments and emergencies, to be with  someone who is giving birth, to avoid injury or illness or to escape risk  of harm (such as domestic abuse),or for animal welfare reasons –  such as to attend veterinary services for advice or treatment.  

You can also leave home to visit someone who is dying or someone  in a care home (if permitted under care home guidance), hospice, or  hospital, or to accompany them to a medical appointment.  

Communal worship and life events  

You can leave home to attend a place of worship for communal  worship, a funeral or a related event for someone who has died, or to  visit a burial ground or a remembrance garden, or to attend a wedding  ceremony – but funerals, linked events and weddings are all subject to  limits on the numbers that can attend (see below).  

Meeting others safely  

In general, you must not meet with another person socially or  undertake any activities with another person. However, you can  exercise or meet in a public outdoor place with people you live with,  your support bubble (or as part of a childcare bubble), or with one  other person.  

You should minimise time spent outside your home. When around  other people, stay 2 metres apart from anyone not in your household –  meaning the people you live with – or your support bubble. Where this  is not possible, stay 1 metre apart with extra precautions (e.g. wearing  a face covering).  

You must not meet socially indoors with family or friends unless they  are part of your household or support bubble. 

You can exercise or visit a public outdoor place  

• by yourself  

• with the people you live with,  

• with your support bubble,  

• or, when on your own, with 1 person from another household.  Children under 5, and up to two carers for a person with a disability  who needs continuous care are not counted towards the outdoors  gatherings limit.  

Public outdoor places include:  

• parks, beaches, countryside accessible to the public, forests  • public gardens (whether or not you pay to enter them)  • allotments  

• the grounds of a heritage site  

• outdoor sports courts and facilities  

• playgrounds  

You cannot meet people in a private garden, unless you live with them  or have formed a support bubble with them.  

You must wear a face covering in many indoor settings, such as  shops or places of worship where these remain open, and on public  transport, unless you are exempt. This is the law. Read guidance on face coverings. 

Support and childcare bubbles  

There is separate guidance for support bubbles and childcare bubbles across all tiers. You can form a support bubble with another  household if any of the following apply to you:  

• you are the only adult in your household (any other members  of the household having been under 18 on 12 June 2020), or  are an under 18 year old living without any adults  

• you live with someone with a disability who requires  continuous care and there is no other adult living in the  household  

• you live with a child under 1, or who was under 1 on 2  December 2020 

• you live with a child under 5, or who was under 5 on 2  December 2020, who has a disability and requires continuous  care  

You may need to change your support bubble if your circumstances  change. Find out more about changing your support bubble.  

You are permitted to leave your home to visit your support bubble  (and to stay overnight with them). However, if you form a support  bubble, it is best if this is with a household who live locally. This will  help prevent the virus spreading from an area where more people are  infected.  

Where and when you can meet in larger groups  

There are still circumstances in which you are allowed to meet others  from outside your household or support bubble in larger groups, but  this should not be for socialising and only for permitted purposes. A  full list of these circumstances will be included in the regulations, and  includes:  

• for work, or providing voluntary or charitable services. This  includes picketing outside workplaces. This can include work  in other people’s homes where necessary – for example, for  nannies, cleaners or tradespeople. See guidance on working safely in other people’s homes). Where a work meeting does  not need to take place in a private home or garden, it should  not – for example, although you can meet a personal trainer,  you should do so in a public outdoor place.  

• in a childcare bubble(for the purposes of childcare only)  • for registered childcare, or for supervised activities for children  where this enables a parent to work, seek work, attend  education or training, or for respite care  

• education or training – meaning education related to a formal  curriculum or training that relates to work or obtaining work  • for arrangements where children do not live in the same  household as both their parents or guardians  

• to allow contact between birth parents and children in care, as  well as between siblings in care  

• for prospective adopting parents to meet a child or children  who may be placed with them 

• to place or facilitate the placing of a child or children in the  care of another by social services  

• for birth partners  

• to provide emergency assistance, and to avoid injury or  illness, or to escape a risk of harm  

• to see someone who is dying  

• to fulfil a legal obligation, such as attending court or jury  service  

• for gatherings within criminal justice accommodation or  immigration detention centres  

• to provide care or assistance to someone vulnerable, or to  provide respite for a carer  

• for a wedding or equivalent ceremony in exceptional circumstances and only for up to 6 people  

• for funerals – up to a maximum of 30 people. Wakes and other  linked ceremonial events can continue in a group of up to 6  people.  

• to visit someone at home who is dying, or to visit someone  receiving treatment in a hospital, hospice or care home, or to  accompany a family member or friend to a medical  


• for elite sportspeople (and their coaches if necessary, or  parents/guardians if they are under 18) to compete and train  • to facilitate a house move  

Support groups that have to be delivered in person can continue with  up to 15 participants where formally organised to provide mutual aid,  therapy or any other form of support – but they must take place at a  premises other than a private home. This includes, but is not limited  to, support to victims of crime, people in drug and alcohol recovery,  new parents and guardians, people caring for those with long-term or  terminal illnesses, or who are vulnerable, people facing issues relating  to their sexuality or gender, those who have suffered bereavement,  and vulnerable young people, including for them to meet youth  workers.  

Parent and child groups can continue where they provide support to  parent and/or child, and children under 5 will not be counted within the 

15 person limit – meaning parents and carers can attend such groups  in larger numbers. These cannot take place in private dwellings.  

Where a group includes someone covered by an exception (for  example, someone who is working or volunteering), they are not  generally counted as part of the gatherings limit. This means, for  example, a tradesperson can go into a household without breaching  the limit, if they are there for work, and the officiant at a wedding  would not count towards the limit.  

If you break the rules  

The police can take action against you if you meet in larger groups.  This includes breaking up illegal gatherings and issuing fines (fixed  penalty notices).  

You can be given a Fixed Penalty Notice of £200 for the first offence,  doubling for further offences up to a maximum of £6,400. If you hold,  or are involved in holding, an illegal gathering of over 30 people, the  police can issue fines of £10,000.  

Keeping you and your friends and family safe  

When meeting friends and family you should also:  

• follow guidance on social distancing and letting in fresh air • limit how many different people you see socially over any  period of time  

Protecting people more at risk from  coronavirus  

If you are clinically vulnerable, you could be at higher risk of severe  illness from coronavirus. You:  

• should be especially careful to follow the rules and minimise  your contacts with others 

• should continue to wash your hands carefully and more  frequently than usual and maintain thorough cleaning of  frequently touched areas in your home and/or workspace  

Clinically vulnerable people are those who are:  

• aged 70 or over (regardless of medical conditions)  • under 70 with an underlying health condition listed below (that  is, anyone instructed to get a flu jab each year on medical  grounds):  

• chronic (long-term) mild to moderate respiratory  

diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive  

pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis  • chronic heart disease, such as heart failure  

• chronic kidney disease  

• chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis  

• chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s  disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis  

(MS) or cerebral palsy  

• diabetes  

• problems with the spleen  

• a weakened immune system as the result of certain  conditions or medicines they are taking (such as  

steroid tablets)  

• being seriously overweight (a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above)  

• pregnant  

There is a further group of people who are defined, also on medical  grounds, as clinically extremely vulnerable to coronavirus – that is,  people with specific serious health conditions. Over this period, we  

are advising the clinically extremely vulnerable to work from home. If  you cannot work from home, you are advised not to go to work and  may be eligible for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS),  Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), Employment Support Allowance (ESA) or  Universal Credit. We are advising clinically extremely vulnerable  people to stay at home as much as possible, except to go outdoors for  exercise or to attend health appointments. You may wish to meet up  with one other person from outside your household or support bubble,  for example, to exercise in an outdoor public place, but we suggest 

that you always try to do so as safely as possible. Please follow the guidance set out in the shielding section of the CEV guidance.  


Travelling within a Tier 4 area  

If you live in a Tier 4 area, you must not leave your home unless you  have a reasonable excuse (e.g. for work or education purposes). If  you need to travel you should stay local – meaning avoiding travelling  outside of your village, town or the part of a city where you live – and  look to reduce the number of journeys you make overall. The list of  reasons you can leave your home and area include, but are not  limited to:  

• work, where you cannot work from home  

• accessing education and for caring responsibilities • visiting those in your support bubble – or your childcare bubble  for childcare  

• visiting hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits  where you have had an accident or are concerned about your  health  

• buying goods or services from premises that are open in Tier  4 areas, including essential retail, but these should be within  your local area wherever possible  

• outdoor recreation or exercise. This should be done locally  wherever possible, but you can travel a short distance within  your Tier 4 area to do so if necessary (for example, to access  an open space)  

• attending the care and exercise of an animal, or veterinary  services  

If you need to travel, walk or cycle where possible, and plan ahead  and avoid busy times and routes on public transport. This will allow  you to practise social distancing while you travel. 

Avoid car sharing with anyone from outside your household or your  support bubble. See the guidance on car sharing. 

If you need to use public transport, you should follow the safer travel guidance. 

Travelling out of a Tier 4 area  

You must stay at home and not leave your Tier 4 area, other than for  legally permitted reasons such as:  

• travel to work where you cannot work from home  

• travel to education and for caring responsibilities 

• visit (including staying overnight with) those in your support  bubble – or your childcare bubble for childcare  

• attend hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits  where you have had an accident or are concerned about your  health  

The full list of exceptions will be published in the Regulations.  

Travelling to a Tier 4 area from a Tier 1, 2 or 3 area  You should not travel into a Tier 4 area from another part of the UK,  other than for reasons such as:  

• travel to work where you cannot work from home  

• travel to education and for caring responsibilities 

• to visit (including staying overnight with) those in your support  bubble – or your childcare bubble for childcare  

• to attend hospital, GP and other medical appointments or  visits where you have had an accident or are concerned about  your health  

You should continue to practise safe behaviours on public transport:  

• plan ahead, check for disruption before you leave, and avoid  the busiest routes, as well as busy times  

• avoid making unnecessary stops during your journey  • avoid sharing a car with people not in your household  • keep your distance from other people when you travel, where  possible  

• wash or sanitise your hands regularly 

International travel to or from a Tier 4 area  

If you live in a Tier 4 area, you can only travel internationally – or  within the UK – where you first have a legally permitted reason to  leave home. In addition, you should consider the public health advice  in the country you are visiting.  

If you live outside a Tier 4 area you may still transit into or through a  Tier 4 area to travel abroad if you need to, but you should carefully  consider whether you need to do so. In addition, you should follow the  public health advice in the country you’re visiting.  

If you do need to travel overseas from a Tier 4 area (and are legally  permitted to do so, for example, because it is for work), even if you  are returning to a place you’ve visited before, you should look at the  rules in place at your destination and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) travel advice.  

UK residents currently abroad do not need to return home  immediately. However, you should check with your airline or travel  operator on arrangements for returning.  

Staying away from home overnight  

You cannot leave your home or the place where you are living for  holidays or stays overnight away from your main home unless you  have a reasonable excuse for doing so. This means that holidays in  the UK and abroad are not allowed. This includes staying in a second  home or caravan, if that is not your primary residence, or staying with  anyone you do not live with (other than those with whom you have  formed a support bubble)  

You are allowed to stay overnight away from your home if you:  

• are unable to return to your main residence  

• need accommodation while moving house  

• need accommodation to attend a funeral or related  commemorative event  

• require accommodation for work purposes or to provide  voluntary services  

• are a child requiring accommodation for school or care 

• are homeless, seeking asylum or a vulnerable person seeking  refuge  

• are an elite athlete or their support staff or parent, if the  athlete is under 18 and it is necessary to be outside of the  home for training or competition  

If you are already on holiday in a Tier 4 area, you should return to  your home as soon as practical  

Guest accommodation providers such as hotels, B&Bs and caravan  parks may remain open for the specific reasons set out in law,  including where guests are unable to return to their main residence,  use that guest accommodation as their main residence, need  accommodation while moving house, are self-isolating as required by  law, or would otherwise be made homeless as a result of the  accommodation closing. Accommodation providers are also  encouraged to work cooperatively with Local Authorities to provide  accommodation to vulnerable groups including the homeless in Tier 4  areas.  

Businesses and venues  

Businesses and venues which must close  

To reduce social contact, the regulations require some businesses to  close and impose restrictions on how some businesses provide goods  and services. The businesses required to close include:  

• non-essential retail, such as clothing and homeware stores,  vehicle showrooms (other than for rental), betting shops,  tailors, tobacco and vape shops, electronic goods and mobile  phone shops, auction houses (except for auctions of livestock  or agricultural equipment) and market stalls selling non essential goods – these venues can continue to be able to  operate click-and-collect (where goods are pre-ordered and  collected off the premises) and delivery services  

• hospitality venues such as cafes, restaurants, pubs, bars and  social clubs; with the exception of providing food and drink for  takeaway (until 11pm), click-and-collect, drive-through or  delivery 

• accommodation such as hotels, hostels, guest houses and  campsites, except for specific circumstances, such as where  these act as someone’s main residence, where the person  cannot return home, for providing accommodation or support  to the homeless, or where it is essential to stay there for work  purposes  

• leisure and sports facilities such as leisure centres and indoor  gyms, indoor swimming pools, indoor sports courts, indoor  fitness and dance studios, indoor riding centres, and indoor  climbing walls  

• entertainment venues such as theatres, concert halls,  cinemas, museums and galleries, casinos, amusement  arcades, bingo halls, bowling alleys, skating rinks, go-karting  venues, indoor play and soft play centres and areas (including  inflatable parks and trampolining centres), circuses,  

fairgrounds, funfairs, zoos and other animal attractions, water  parks and theme parks  

• indoor attractions at venues such as botanical gardens,  heritage homes and landmarks must also close, though  outdoor grounds of these premises can stay open  

• personal care facilities such as hair, beauty, tanning and nail  salons. Tattoo parlours, spas, massage parlours, body and  skin piercing services must also close. These services should  not be provided in other people’s homes  

• community centres and halls must close except for a limited  number of exempt activities, as set out below. Libraries can  also remain open to provide access to IT and digital services –  for example for people who do not have it at home – and for  click-and-collect services  

Some of these businesses and places will also be permitted to be  open for a small number of exempt activities, including:  

• education and training – for schools to use sports, leisure and  community facilities where that is part of their normal provision  • childcare purposes and supervised activities for children  • hosting blood donation sessions and food banks  

• to provide medical treatment 

• for elite sports persons to train and compete (in indoor and  outdoor sports facilities), and professional dancers and  choreographers to work (in fitness and dance studios)  

• for training and rehearsal without an audience (in theatres and  concert halls)  

• for the purposes of film and TV filming  

Businesses and venues which can remain open  

Other businesses and venues are permitted to stay open, following  COVID-19 Secure guidelines. This includes those providing essential  goods and services, including:  

• essential retail such as food shops, supermarkets,  pharmacies, garden centres, building merchants and suppliers  of building products and off-licences  

• market stalls selling essential retail may also stay open  • businesses providing repair services may also stay open,  where they primarily offer repair services  

• petrol stations, automatic (but not manual) car washes,  vehicle repair and MOT services, bicycle shops, and taxi and  vehicle hire businesses  

• banks, building societies, post offices, short-term loan  providers and money transfer businesses  

• funeral directors  

• laundrettes and dry cleaners  

• medical and dental services  

• vets and pet shops  

• animal rescue centres, boarding facilities, and animal  groomers (may continue to be used for animal welfare, rather  than aesthetic purposes)  

• agricultural supplies shops  

• mobility and disability support shops  

• storage and distribution facilities  

• car parks, public toilets and motorway service areas  • outdoor playgrounds  

• outdoor gym, pools, sports courts and facilities 

• golf courses  

• archery/driving/shooting ranges (outdoors)  

• outdoor riding centres  

• places of worship  

• crematoriums and burial grounds  

Public services  

The majority of public services will continue and you will be able to  leave home to visit them. These include:  

• the NHS and medical services like GPs and dentists. We are  supporting the NHS to carry out urgent and non-urgent  services safely, and it is vital anyone who thinks they need  any kind of medical care comes forward and seeks help  • Jobcentre Plus sites  

• courts and probation services  

• civil registrations offices  

• passport and visa services  

• services provided to victims  

• waste or recycling centres  

Going to work  

To help contain the virus, everyone who can work effectively from  home should do so.  

Where people cannot do so – including, but not limited to, people who  work in critical national infrastructure, construction, or manufacturing –  they should continue to travel to their workplace. This is essential to  keeping the country operating and supporting sectors and employers.  

Public sector employees working in essential services, including  childcare or education, should continue to go into work.  

Where it is necessary for you to work in other people’s homes – for  example, for nannies, cleaners or tradespeople – you can do so. 

Otherwise, you should avoid meeting for work in a private home or  garden, where COVID-19 Secure measures may not be in place.  

The risk of transmission can be substantially reduced if COVID-19 secure guidelines are followed closely. Extra consideration should be  given to those people at higher risk.  

Going to school, college and university  

Schools and colleges will remain open during term time in Tier 4  areas. The government will continue to prioritise the wellbeing and  long-term futures of our young people. It remains very important for  children and young people to attend, to support their wellbeing and  education and help working parents and guardians. Senior clinicians  still advise that school is the best place for children to be, and so they  should continue to go to school during term time.  


We expect that the majority of university students, other than those  who need or choose to remain at university, will now have returned to  their family home during the ‘student travel window’, , although they  are permitted to temporarily move to a “vacation household” during  the period that began on 3 December up to 7 February. We  have published guidance on how they can do so safely. We have also published guidance to universities and students on how students can return safely to higher education in the spring term. This  guidance sets out how we will support higher education providers to  enable students to return as safely as possible following the winter  break, by staggering this process and to facilitate testing for all.  

If you live at university, you should not move back and forward  between your permanent home and student home during term time.  

Universities should follow guidance on reopening buildings to ensure  they have safety measures in place to minimise the spread of the  virus.  

If you’re a student, you can meet in groups of more than your  household as part of your formal education or training. Students 

should expect to follow the guidance and restrictions. You should  socially distance from anyone you do not live with wherever possible.  


The Government has confirmed that all secondary schools and  colleges in England will be offered help, support and facilities to  implement an additional round of free coronavirus testing from the first  week of January.  

This will be alongside a staggered return to face-to-face education in  secondary schools, starting with exam years, vulnerable children and  children of critical workers.  

The offer of tests builds on the extensive protective measures already  in place in schools and colleges to make them safe, as well as the  government’s recent announcement that every secondary school and  college in England will have access to rapid testing from January.  

In schools and colleges where year 7 and above are educated, face  coverings should be worn by adults (staff and visitors) and pupils  when moving around indoors, such as in corridors and communal  areas where social distancing is difficult to maintain.  

There is guidance for teachers, school leaders, carers and parents on education and childcare.  


There are several ways that parents and carers can continue to  access childcare in Tier 4 areas:  

• early years settings and childminders remain open, and you  can continue to use these settings as normal  

• you can access other childcare activities (including  wraparound care) where reasonably necessary to enable  parents to work, seek work, attend education or training, a  medical appointment or respite care  

• nannies will be able to continue to provide services, including  in the home 

• parents are able to form a childcare bubble with one other  household for the purposes of informal childcare, where the  child is 13 or under  

• some households will also be able to benefit from being in  a support bubble 

Some youth services are able to continue, such as 1-1 youth work  and support groups, but most youth clubs and groups will need to  cease for this period.  

Visiting relatives in care homes  

Visits to care homes can take place with arrangements such as  substantial screens, visiting pods, or behind windows.  

Close-contact indoor visits supported by testing, which are allowed in  Tiers 1-3, will not be allowed in Tier 4. This guidance will be updated  shortly clarifying how visits in Tier 4 should be conducted.  

Weddings, civil partnerships, religious  services and funerals  

Weddings, civil partnerships, and funerals  

Weddings, civil partnership ceremonies and funerals must only take  place in COVID-19 secure venues or in public outdoor spaces unless  in exceptional circumstances.  

Funerals can be attended by a maximum of 30 people. Linked  religious, belief-based or commemorative events, such as stone  settings and ash scatterings can also continue with up to 6 people in  attendance. Anyone working is not counted in these limits. Social  distancing should be maintained between people who do not live  together or share a support bubble.  

Weddings and civil partnership ceremonies should not take place  except in exceptional circumstances, for example where one of those  getting married is seriously ill and not expected to recover (‘deathbed 

wedding’) or due to undergo debilitating treatment or life-changing  surgery. These weddings are limited to 6 people.  

If you live in a Tier 4 area and are going to a wedding, funeral or  linked commemorative event outside the Tier 4 area, the event must  follow the Tier 4 gathering limits on the events.  

If you live outside a Tier 4 area and are going to a a wedding, funeral  or linked commemorative event inside the Tier 4 area, you must  comply with the Tier 4 gathering limits on the events.  

Places of worship  

You can attend places of worship for a service. However, you must  not mingle with anyone outside of your household or support bubble.  

You should follow the national guidance on the safe use of places of worship.  

Sports and physical activity  

Indoor gyms and sports facilities will close. Outdoor sports courts,  outdoor gyms, golf courses, outdoor swimming pools, archery/driving/shooting ranges, riding centres and playgrounds can  remain open for individual exercise, and for people to use with others  within your household, support bubble, or with one person from  another household. Organised outdoor sport for under 18s and  disabled people will be allowed.  

Moving home  

You can still move home. People outside your household or support bubble should not help with moving house unless absolutely  necessary. 

Estate and letting agents and removals firms can continue to work. If  you are looking to move, you can go to property viewings.  

Follow the national guidance on moving home safely, which includes  advice on social distancing and wearing a face covering.  

Financial support  

Wherever you live, you may be able to get financial help:  

• financial support packages for businesses 

• financial support for closed businesses as a result of tiering restrictions 

• claim for employee wages through Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme 

• check if you can claim a grant through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme • financial support if you’re off work because of coronavirus

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