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Urgent Call for Business Rates Review

Office of Sam Tarry MP 

Member of Parliament for Ilford South 


London SW1A 0AA 

The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP 

Chancellor of the Exchequer 

HM Treasury 

The Correspondence and Enquiry Unit 

1 Horse Guards Road 



2nd February 2021 

By email 

Dear Rishi, 

I hope that this letter finds you well. I write on behalf of several businesses in my constituency  represented by the Ilford Business Improvement District (BID) regarding Business Rates Relief.  

Local businesses, like those represented by Ilford BID, are the beating heart of constituencies like  mine and have tragically been on the frontline of the economic crisis. Having spoken to  representatives from Ilford BID, I understand that unfortunately several local businesses have had to  close their doors for good and it is clear we are approaching a crisis point.  

The pandemic has accelerated changes to the way we shop and threatens the future of our high  streets. It is therefore essential now, more than ever, that we ensure our business rates system is right. 

It is clear that the business rates system is not fit for purpose; it is complex, costly and time consuming and in need or urgent reform, and I have long supported calls for a root-and-branch review  of the system. 

The Government announced a fundamental review of business rates in the March 2020 Budget and  published a call for evidence in July. The review aims to reduce the overall burden on businesses,  improve the current business rates system and consider more fundamental changes in the medium to  long-term. The review was scheduled to conclude in spring 2021, but an interim report due in the  autumn has yet to be published. 

Given the number of jobs depending on our local shops and the threat those jobs face, will you  commit to an urgent review of business rates? 

I look forward to your urgent reply, 

Yours sincerely, 

Sam Tarry MP 

Member of Parliament for Ilford South

@SamTarry /SamTarryforIlfordSouth 

| Ilford Town | Seven Kings | Goodmayes | Chadwell Heath | Mayfield | Loxford | Clementswood | Valentines | Cranbrook | Newbury |


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